Police chiefs have pledged to target e-scooters “plaguing” the streets of Nantwich, town councillors were told.
Crime Commissioner John Dwyer said six e-scooters in the town had already been seized and issued warning to parents not to buy the “illegal” machines for their kids.
He was speaking at last night’s town council meeting during a debate on the problems of anti-social behaviour in Nantwich.
Cllr Arthur Moran urged police to issue reminders on the law around e-scooters.
He said: “In my view they want rounding up if they are not aware of the law that they can’t ride around on these things.”
Sgt Claire Lloyd, of Nantwich Police, agreed that many parents were not aware of the law.
She added: “We are going into high schools to do presentations on this, and hoping to get some signs put up in the town which clearly state the law.
“We have had quite a few issues with e-scooters being ridden through the town centre and the square.
“Every time we seize one we try and put it out there on social media.”

PCC Dwyer said the problem of e-scooters was not just a local one.
“Every town in this county is being plagued by e-scooters,” he said.
“And I want the law enforced. We’ve seized six in Nantwich already. These things are illegal, you cannot get insurance for them.
“We will be doing a big push on this in lead up to Christmas, urging parents not to buy young Billy or Jenny an e-scooter.
“They are illegal, we will be seizing them and they will be destroyed.
“Another issue is e-bikes. These vary in wattage and speed. Up to 15mph these are allowed, but above that it’s unlawful to ride one. Some of these things can reach up to 70mph!
“It’s extremely difficult to determine the difference and we are working on how best to approach this.”
Cllr Geoff Smith, Nantwich South Ward, welcomed the approach to working with secondary schools on e-scooters.
(e-scooter image courtesy of Cheshire Police)
And they don’t leave a eco foot print like ice moped or such like
Hi I do agree that kids should not be allowed to use these in city centres or where pedestrians could be involved with an incident with one. But I live in the country where the risk is considerably lower and I feel in areas like this where buses are not very frequent these should be allowed if restricted and used on cycle routes obviously high viz and head gear. I have an off road one which I use for taking my dog out and its perfectly safe I have one that can achieve 25 mph but at a push of a button it does 12mph