voters and candidates - by-election ballot box - candidates

Dear Editor,
#CreweFirst has continued to make progress in the #CreweCentral by-election.

#CreweFirst increased its vote and its share of the vote in the Ward.

#CreweFirst easily beat the Greens and the Women’s Equality Party, who are long established national parties, who only got 34 votes between them.

The voter turnout was very low, just 16.46% of the electorate used their vote…..and a third who did vote did so by postal vote.

Cllr Brian Silvester would like to thank all those who voted for #CreweFirst and those who worked so hard on the campaign.

#CreweFirst will continue to work to make Crewe a better place to live and to reverse the sad spiral of decline in the town, brought about by Crewe’s Labour Councillors and its Tory MP.

CREWE CENTRAL RESULT: Te Ata Browne – Green – 12 Kim Jamson – Labour – 277 Roger Morris – Conservatives – 335 Vicky Pulman – Women’s Equality Party – 22 Brian Silvester – Putting Crewe First, People Before Politics – 128 Rejected votes – 3

Yours faithfully,
Cllr Brian Silvester


  1. Why does Nantwich news keep on letting a disgraced councillor write garbage all the time!

  2. Crewe first but always posting on Nantwich news, the real facts are you came 3rd and were part of the problem that Crewe is in and still out of touch with the electorate as they managed that won is part of the community unlike yourself, maybe you might see my points as I keep telling you where your going wrong

  3. Nice bitter letter from Brian ‘anon’ Sylvesta there. We remember the HOM scandal.
    You lost, mate. Deal with it

  4. ‘CONGRATULATIONS’ Roger Morris, best person for the job by a country mile! 👏👏👏

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