Nantwich Rotary Club is appealing for women and men from all backgrounds to boost its membership.
Club members have raised and donated £20,000 to charities in the past 12 months.
Local causes to benefit from donations include schools, St Luke’s Hospice, Nantwich Foodbank, the Guy Harvey Youth Club and Nantwich Museum.
The club also organises annual events in the town, including an Art and Handwriting Competition for local primary schools, and a “sponsor a local teenager” initiative to spend a week on a leadership course in Wales.
They also pay for 30 pupils from a local primary school to spend a weekend at The Wingate Centre.
James Sutton, spokesperson for Nantwich Rotary Club, said: “We also help run a Community Lottery which also provides funding to local charities.
“Internationally we have collected and donated to the Ukraine, Afghanistan and Syrian appeals.
“We also invest money via Lendwithcare to help entrepreneurs in low-income countries establish new businesses.”
Nantwich Rotary Club is part of the global organisation Rotary International, with 1.4 million members and 35,000 clubs.
The combined current global total from Rotary donated to end polio is $1.9 billion.
Currently there have been only two cases of polio this year (in Pakistan) whereas in 1988 there were more than 350,000 cases.
Anyone interested in finding out more about joining Nantwich Rotary or just becoming a ‘Friend of Rotary’ volunteer can contact Tony Webb on 07758 824256 ([email protected]) or Jim Sutton on 07967 181362 ([email protected])
The club meets every Tuesday three times a month at the Bowling Green pub at 1pm with a social evening on the fourth Tuesday at another pub in town.
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