Town councillors in Nantwich have unanimously objected to plans for a 75ft telecoms tower on Second Wood Street, off Welsh Row.
They say a number of residents have written to complain about the plan for the mast.
And town councillors who met on Thursday night agreed to write to Cheshire East Council to object.
The plans has been submitted by Circet (UK) Ltd for a new 25-metre high Valmont Monopole with six antennas mounted at 23-metre and four large dishes at 20-metres.
Cllr Anna Burton told the meeting: “We need to write to object to this plan.
“It’s very close to other buildings and people’s homes and this is not the right place for a mast.
“These masts can be quite ugly and an eyesore, so we can comment about the site and location proposed.
“This is going to be really close to people’s bedroom windows!”
Cllr Stuart Bostock added: “This was debated a lot at the Nantwich Civic Society.
“We all agree we need to improve technology and connectivity, but the suitability of this site is questionable.”
And Cllr Caroline Kirkham added: “It is very close to residential dwellings, and to the town’s conservation area.
“The size of this mast will really stand out, and we should write as a town council to object.”
One resident who has objected said: “The applicants are disingenuous on a number of fronts.
“In the application form they claim consultation with neighbours – there has been none!
“They claim there is no other site, yet an area such as Snow Hill or nearer to the football ground away from homes appears not to have been been explored, alongside a list of sites they have discounted.”
The developers say the site is the most appropriate in the area to provide the required network coverage improvements.
People can write in with their views to Cheshire East Council until May 15.
Find all the planning documents and details here
It’s the second application for a telecoms mast in Nantwich in the past few weeks.
Residents objected to one recently planned for land off Middlewich Road near to T&G Builders, and applicants were forced to withdraw the application.
(Pic of site on Second Wood Street, by Google maps)
25 metres is 82 feet!