Anya Hynes - race for life and Ms Great Britain

A Nantwich woman who battled against leukaemia as a child, has reached the final of Ms Great Britain after staging a series of fundraising challenges.

Anya Hynes fought against acute myeloid leukaemia as a child and says this experience has fuelled her drive for health and wellbeing.

She recently completed a 41km rowing challenge at the local Area 51 gym, representing the distance between Dover and Calais ports.

She is also working for and running at Race for Life in Trentham, performed a Glass Walk for Alex’s Wishes charity, and held WI presentations about her fundraising.

Anya (left) in Ms Great Britain finals
Anya (left) in Ms Great Britain finals

Anya said: “I’m passionate about promoting healthy habits and raising awareness about cancer prevention.

“Recent statistics show a rise in cancer rates, highlighting the need for proactive steps.

“I encourage regular check-ups and highlight the benefits of a balanced diet.

I’ve been involved in several initiatives to support cancer research and raise awareness.

“These experiences have shown me the power of community and individual action.

“If I’m fortunate enough to be crowned Ms Great Britain, I’m committed to using this platform to champion healthy living.

“I’m eager to collaborate with organizations like Macmillan Cancer Support and Cancer Research UK to create educational programs and reach a wider audience.”

The Ms Great Britain finals will take place on October 18, 2024.

To sponsor Anya visit her fundraising page here.

Anya does Glass Walk for charity
Anya does Glass Walk for charity

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