Town councillors are considering a campaign to urge dog owners to keep pets on leads around Nantwich Lake and the Riverside.
It comes amid a number of recent incidents involving dogs attacking or chasing swans and other wildfowl.
Swans and their cygnets regularly nest by the lake and river in the town, and have been attacked previously by dogs not under control.
Cllr Peter Groves and Cllr Anna Burton are spearheading the potential campaign with help from RSPCA.
It could involve leaflets being handed out and new clearer signage, urging dog owners to comply with the countryside code.
Cllr Groves said at a recent town council meeting: “Dogs must be kept under control, and most owners comply.
“But unfortunately some are not, which is causing issues recently by the lake and riverside areas.
“We have contacted the RSPCA and there are a number of things we can look to do to make dog owners aware, including some signage, organising leaflets and hand out around the lake and walking areas.
“I’ve had numerous complaints sent to me about what is happening, so now is the time to take action.
“There’s a small percentage of people who don’t obey the rules.”
Cllr Burton added: “I’ve had quite a number of people approaching me about this too.
“They have asked for some signs, so if they see someone with a dog off the lead they can point and refer to the signs.”
Cllr Kim Jamson, a member of the Nantwich Swan Group, said the issue is trying to catch the odd person causing the problems.
“People in the group do post information and we are all looking out for the swans and wildlife,” she added.
“I wonder if there are other ways we can target those who are letting dogs off leads.”
Cllr Pam Kirkham added: “Irresponsible dog owners just won’t adhere to signs. If we have leaflets we can hand these specifically to dog owners so they have information in their hands.”
Councillors agreed to explore a campaign which could be up and running in the Autumn and again in Spring when swans often nest.
(pic by Phil Dodd)
Wokes beware, Cobs and pens can be very nasty.
Yes !! This is exactly what needs to happen I fully support this
My partner was bitten by a dog off the lead while jogging over the bridge near the railway. It was a nasty bite which required me taking her to A&E. the owner didn’t seem bothered and said it was my partners fault for running! Some dog owners are just irresponsible and should consider other people who don’t want dogs near them.
I blame the swans. If they know dogs roam free off leads then why are they there in the first place? Surely they should use some intelligence to find a safer and more secure place to have their undoubtedly huge number of kids and expect the rest of us to have to tip toe round them? This is woke gone crazy! Coming to a food bank near you unless we act soon. Bring back British values.
Troy and Sophie the pair of swans that nest and frequent the river area including it’s vast surrounding grass banks have 7 cygnets every year and it’s very rare indeed for any of the 7 to survive past a few weeks at the very outside.
In comparison the less vulnerable pair of swans Dillon and Clio tend to fair much better themselves along with their annual brood of cygnets who are based at the lake, which I suspect will be at the least partially down to the abundance of dogs on leads signs spread around the lake.
@ A. Nichols
This happens year in year out, it nothing new and the situation is not improving. Dogs off leads are a menace – they dont know what they are doing – instincts kick in. They should be on a lead at all times. Owners need to be more aware, period.
Dogs and their owners need to be controlled it’s criminal to allow them to be off the lead so they should be under supervision before they are allowed to the the simple task of walking the dogs on their own it’s criminal act to disturb wildlife and endanger them
Or harm
Wow! I walk this area regularly with my dog and have never witnessed this so called mayhem of wildlife.Nor have I seen any injured wildlife except on the road beside the lake. A better use of councillors time would be fixing the potholes everywhere in the area !
Dogs should always be on a lead regardless of where you are,unless it’s on your own property.
There’s ground for common sense.
Great idea some people don’t know where the dog is because they are 100 yards ahead of the dog
Nothing to consider, our wildlife needs protecting, dogs must be on a lead where swans are on the lake (or canal) and in the immediate area. Swans are wild and protected so what’s to consider. I see it all too often people letting dogs run along the canal tow path and complain when swans hiss at their beloved mutt.
CE stopped reading tea leaves, protect our wildlife and work with CRT to do likewise.
I would suggest large, clear signage stating ‘Wildlife First Area’ and dogs on leads at all time for those with myopic sight and attitudes, so there is no misunderstanding about what keeping dogs under control actually means. As a population we are increasingly invading wildlife space and should respect their environments and give them a chance to live peacefully without the fear of disturbance.
I walk around Nantwich Lake on a regular basis. Sadly there are a small number of people who do not have their dogs on a lead. Not only is this a threat to the wild life. You can feel very apprehensive about certain dogs not on a lead. They are potentially out of control. The day will come when some one is attacked by a dog out of control in Nantwich.
The Local Authority can create Statutory Instruments or Bye Laws to ensure all dogs are on a lead in a public place. So why don’t they.
There is also evidence of dog poo on the pavements in Nantwich, again a very small number of dog owners.
The vast majority of owners are very responsible and I thank them . However enforcement officers should ensure the very small numbers of owners out of control are politely educated or face the consequences that the law can provide to protect all stakeholders
Im fed up of dogs tbh – too many of them on extendable leads tripping people up or left to run riot whilst the zombie owners gaze at their phones oblivious to their surroundings. What has society come to when people behave so selfishly?
Unfortunately, as with most things is the minority who ruin things for the majority.
I suggest you get someone in charge to wander around pointing at signs, there is at least two already and when I pointed this out to a dog owner with a dog running about all you get is a mouthful of abuse, this won’t work don’t waste your money
Far better to fence off areas where wildlife nest