Bryony Page gold medal World Championships

Dear Editor,
Below is an email I have sent to the Chief Executive of Cheshire East and the Clerk of Crewe Town Council.
“Crewe-born Bryony Page won an Olympic gold in the trampolining final.
“She won silver in Rio (2016) and bronze in Tokyo (2020) and has now completed the Olympic medal set at Paris 2024.
“She is the first Crewe born athlete to to gain such success at the Olympics.
“I would like to suggest that Cheshire East and the Crewe Town Council jointly organise a Civic Reception, involving both Mayors, for Bryony, so that the congratulations of the town can be passed on to her and it would be an opportunity for Crewe residents to see her and to congratulate her personally.
“I would also suggest that her name be added to the local Sporting Roll of Honour and that, in future, a new street in Crewe is named after her, to mark her extraordinary success at successive Olympics.
“Please inform me if you will take up my suggestions.”

Yours faithfully,

Cllr Brian Silvester


  1. What planet does a Nantwich person deserve a Crewe mayoral recognition, Brian maybe you should look into things before you post

  2. brian silvester says:

    The Council should write to them to congratulate them on getting to the Olympics and for their performance.

  3. brian silvester says:

    Flash Meakin was a Nantwich character for over 50 years.
    He stood out from the crowd.
    Sadly not many left.
    The least the Council could do is to name one of the many new streets in the town after him.

  4. All the posturing about Flash and a memorial, for doing what exactly?? certainly nothing for his country or charity, and yet here is a talented woman that deserves a massive welcome home for the stunning achievement for her country let us celebrate real talent dedication and certain joy in these challenging days

  5. Chris Moorhouse says:

    Let us not forget any other participants in Paris who come from CEC’S area. They also deserve recognition.

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