Town and parish councils like Nantwich will soon be able to pay for extra policing under the commissioner’s ‘hotspot policing programme’, writes Belinda Ryan.
Cheshire Police and Crime commissioner Dan Price told a police and crime panel he wanted to “support local communities through the ability to purchase additional visible hot spot policing”.
He added: “It is anticipated that this offer will, in the main, be offered to parish councils and local authorities, but will potentially also extend to support business improvement districts and also other areas of high footfall.
“The proposal, which I hope to approve next week, will involve additional police resources, police constables and PCSOs and potentially others, such as analysts, and be provided as an additional to normal duty basis.”
Mr Price said due to the limited nature of police resources, it is important that bids for additional resources have a defined policing purpose, primarily around crime and anti-social behaviour.
“Bidding partners will, in the first instance, contact an identified lead in their local policing unit and discuss the issues of concern and agree an appropriate response,” he said.
“Where possible and appropriate, the constabulary will support bids as long as they do not disrupt or hinder the delivery of core services.
“Resources will ordinarily be supplied in blocks of four hours to facilitate this initiative.
“There may be exceptions to the rule through an extended period, which may attract higher costs.”
The Commissioner said the initiative will be reviewed to address issues arising at the three-month stage.
Speaking after the meeting, Cheshire East Cllr Steve Edgar told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “After the meeting of the police and crime panel I didn’t realise at the time, but it’s struck me now, that if parish and town councils are able to pay for hotspot policing, surely this is double taxation.”
Policing should be paid for from the main Council Tax Policing Precept. This proposed policy is in effect going around the back door and using the the precept for the Town Council to fund extra policing needs. It is fundamentally undemocratic. It is also hiding incompetence to manage within a prescribed budget. It is deceptive and lacks transparency. Sadly this is typical of Cheshire East Council.
We have a Police Precept within Council Tax to pay for Policing. Budgets should be ring fenced.. They certainly were in the corporate world.