Proposed Kingsley Fields Primary School (Halliday Meecham Architects) (1)

Nantwich rural schools are becoming over-subscribed but a new primary school which should have opened in September 2024 and was delayed for a year still hasn’t been built, writes Belinda Ryan.

Planning permission was granted in June 2023 for the new 210-pupil Kingsbourne Academy (pictured) on the Kingsley Fields development.

And the school was due to open for its first class of 30 reception pupils in September 2024.

Cheshire East Council’s children and families committee was told at its meeting in November 2023 that the opening would be delayed for a year because of legal, planning, and cost-related issues.

Councillors were also told at that meeting it was anticipated building work would start late Spring 2024, with the school opening in September 2025.

But that also has not happened.

Cllr Becky Posnett, Bunbury, Con (1)
Cllr Becky Posnett

Bunbury Ward Cllr Becky Posnett (Con), who requested at the 2023 meeting to be kept up to date with progress, has again asked for more information.

At this week’s committee meeting, Cllr Posnett said it was “vital” the school opened soon.

“I would like to see in the work program some updates about the Kingsbourne School and exactly where we are up to on that,” she said.

“I’m very conscious that that is a school that we are expecting to come online, but there has been very little information about it so far.

“It is servicing a rural area and it’s vital, because other schools in my ward are getting quite overloaded, and there’s a lack of clarity as to what’s happening with the school.”

Officers said they would provide an update at a future meeting.

One Comment

  1. From the artist impression, I anticipate three years before It has problems with it’s roof, Flat roofs always leak.

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