Plans to tackle the spread of horsetail on a Nantwich allotment site have been delayed once again after town councillors could not agree on costs.
The town council had proposed a way forward which would have cost more than £12,700.
But at their latest meeting, a number of councillors queried the amount and voted to defer any planned work for more costings to be carried out.
Horsetail has been spreading across a number of the plots at Brookfield Allotments in Nantwich.
In October, the council agreed to a combination of approaches to tackle it.
These included to prevent flooding conditions in which the plant thrives, use the council’s foamstream directly on affected areas, offer incentives and even free plots to ensure faster turnaround, encourage existing tenants to pull it up, turfing a trial area and using raised beds.
In total, seven plots were targeted for the work after meetings were held between councillors, council officers and allotment representatives.
Cllr Arthur Moran said the plan was given “full approval by the allotments panel of representatives”.
He added: “We’ve got the solution and we should just get on with it now.
“If we go back on this and we’re back here at next council meeting, the problem is just going to carry on. There are two plots on Welshmen’s Lane now with the similar problem.”
But a number of councillors queried the £12,777 costs earmarked for the work.
Cllr Geoff Smith said: “There needs to be more work on this. The costings seem extreme to me.”
Cllr John Priest added: “This seems exorbitant. We need to see three different quotes for materials, especially if we’re talking about a five-figure sum.”
A majority of Nantwich Town Council voted to defer the work for further costings.
(Pic of Brookfield Allotments for display only)
NTC do have trems and conditions rules and regulations……
But never up hold them especially with neglected plots and their tenants.
Ian Hughes
The allotment holders collectively have put a huge amount of effort into improving the infra structure of the site. Often doing work that is the responsibility of NTC. This releases NTC resources to do other things. We have fund raised to achieve many things.
Personally I will put zero effort into the current plan which is doomed to fail. Targeted weed killer is the only way forward.
The solution is
1 The NTC team has to manage the site better especially evicting plot holders who have given up the Horse tail fight asap. Once evicted they need to address the issues more quickly using the plot holder deposit as intended.
2 NTC members need to wake up smell the coffee and use the expert advice NTC has paid for. Targeted use of weed killers is the only practical economic way forward
The core issues were / are.
1 The flooding at one end of the site took years to resolve. A large number of plots were physically under water for a lot of the year , un-let not maintained and Horse tail went mad. NTC had the responsibility to maintain the un-let plots and they did not do so.
2 These plot have so bad Horse tail they cannot be re-let. People who have taken them on have found them completely un- manageable.
3 The foam machine does not actually kill off Horse tail it merely burns the green growth which reappears. Bad plots have been treated with the machine and covered for 2-3 years with black plastic. When the plastic was removed Horse tail re-emerged. The plots were treated again with the foam machine and the Horsetail re-emerged again. Unless the foam machine is used every 2-3 weeks for 12 months it will not have a chance of eradicating Horse tail.
4 Plots next to the flooded plots with Horse Tail are inundated with Horsetail which can have roots 100m long. Many plot holders have given up the fight. It has taken too long for plot holder to be evicted in which time the situation escalated. Plot holders pay a deposit the intention of which is to clear un-maintained plots when they are returned. One plot holder last year gave up a plot in bad shape and the deposit was returned! Returned plots are not dealt with quickly enough by NTC.
5 NTC has a totally unrealistic attitude to this problem. They have a holier than though approach to using UK government approved weed killer as recommended by experts paid for by NTC! I have sympathy with the town clerk and her team as they are doing what they can with a small team. Also with their hand tied behind their backs. Yes the foam machine is not a total solution but at least they are trying what they are allowed to try.
6 NTC member continue to kick the can down the road and ignore the expert advice they have been given and paid for! The problem just escalates.
Another plot holder at war with Horse tail!
After 5 years on the waiting list for a plot I took over a plot at Welshmans Lane in 2023 and it turned out to be one of the plots identified as completely infested with Marestail and we have spent all our time trying to eradicate it whilst also trying to grow, this has been an impossible task and unfortunately gives me little choice other than to give up my plot that I have invested time, love and lots of money to. This plot should never have been available.
Yet another waste of tax payers money purchasing a stream foam machine at £15,000. If it is down to management failure hold the individual manager responsible. Secondly all tenants of allotments should enter into a written contract with very specific conditions that they must comply with. Has this happened, Nantwich Town Council have access to suitably qualified solicitors and those technically qualified to advise. It shows a distinct lack of supervision, monitoring and control. It should be part of a monthly audit programme for the Town Ranger or some other suitably appointed officer.
NTC just dont listen to reasoned sensiable debate regarding the allotment plots which they and CEC are responsible for.
A plot holder at war with horsetail…
I agree with some the comments above.
But the sad truth is the horse tail issue has been amplified due to the failure of NTC not evicting plot holders fast enough due to them neglecting there plots then eventually leveing the plots in a very poor state.
NTC invested in a streamfoam machine costing 15 k to try to curtail the hose tail but didnt use it correctly.
Plots needed to be treated regularly but they never did it so the situation got worse.
The 7 plots mentioned where all given up due to flooding and the horse tail issues.
A trageted aproach was sugested using herbicides which would have been very cost effective …but this was rejected even though it was recommended by a specialist agriculture consultant.
The allotments should be cost neutral to the residents of Nantwich. The cost of renting a plot should cover all the costs to the Town Council. I don’t expect the tax payers to pay for my home or garden maintenance or improvements. This is totally ridiculous. I excepts and respect that people want to grow their own vegetables and fruit. Perfectly understand, however Council Tax Payers are not there to pay for it. Lets get real in this hard world where most people have seen their living standards suffer with increases in Council Tax due to incompetence and poor strategic management of Cheshire East Council.
Why don’t the allotment holders try and raise the money to pay for the work. Show some initiative and drive. Raising £12,500, is not an impossible task.
Simply fund raise!!!
Do not place the burden on the tax payer.
Determine if you can establish a Charity . Speak with the Charities Commission, go on line and check out their website. At least explore all the possibilities before asking the tax payer to cough up!!!!!