Wrenbury & District Model Railway Club - layout 1 (1)

Wrenbury & District Model Railway club members have celebrated the club’s 11th birthday.

The club’s 25 members, who are busy modelling four gauges of layout, recently entertained 27 children from the village school.

Chris Clenton, of Pete Waterman’s Railway nuts team, also visited and exhibited an illustration and model of Locomotion which ran the first ever passenger train from Stockton to Darlington in 1825.

Pupils had the chance to operate a digital locomotive with sound fitted over a special short layout built for such a visit, designed to allow them to change the points as well.

The club will now be taking the short layout and one other into the school in March as part of STEM week for the older children.

As part of Railway 200, the club is hosting a Toy & Train sale on April 5 with layouts running in the village hall in Wrenbury.

Tables will be available for a modest fee to local residents or groups to sell their own working and complete items that are no longer in use.

To book one of these tables talk to the club secretary on 07767 072785.

The club is also making a contribution towards the cost of a new defibrillator at the village hall.

The club will also hold their annual two-day Open Doors event in July, attend the Nantwich Societies event in August and are planning an event in the Nantwich Museum later that month.

Club meetings are every Wednesday between 7pm-10pm and visitors are welcome.

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