aerial view of land in foreground being eyed by Redrow Homes

Dear Editor,
As a concerned resident, I am alarmed by Redrow Homes’ plans to build 220 houses on a 12.6-hectare site off Crewe Road in Wistaston.

This area currently consists of open fields and grassland, forming part of the strategic green gap between Crewe and Nantwich.

The Cheshire East Council’s Local Plan Strategy was designed to protect this green gap, yet time and time again, we see developers chipping away at it.

Is the council disregarding its own policies?

If this development is approved, does it mean that any field next to existing housing is fair game for construction? If so, what is the point of a Local Plan at all?

Beyond the loss of green space, there are serious concerns about infrastructure.

Will a new school or GP surgery be built to accommodate yet another influx of residents? Nantwich is already struggling with traffic congestion – how will this development not make it worse?

This relentless expansion is turning what were once distinct communities into an urban sprawl.

How long before Crewe and Nantwich merge completely into what could only be described as “Crewich”?

It’s time to put a stop to this overdevelopment. We must protect our countryside, our villages, and the character of our local area.

I urge the council and the community to take a stand before it’s too late.


Jonathan White

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