Hatherton Lodge Farm near Nantwich (Google)

Plans for a solar farm near Nantwich which could supply energy to more than 6,500 homes a year have been recommended for approval, writes Belinda Ryan.

Noventum Power Ltd wants to construct and operate the solar farm on a 17.5-hectare site in the open countryside at Hatherton Lodge Farm, off Hunsterson Road.

The main part of the development would involve the siting of PV panels across four fields, designed to generate approximately 12MW of power which, it is estimated, would supply more than 6,500 homes per annum.

It is the second time permission has been sought for a solar farm on this site.

In 2015 Cheshire East refused permission from a different applicant for the installation of a solar farm with an output of approximately 8.28MW.

That decision was overturned the following year after the applicant appealed.

But the scheme was never built and the permission lapsed in February 2019.

This latest application is due to be considered at next week’s meeting of Cheshire East’s strategic planning board.

The planning officer’s report to Wednesday’s meeting states: “The planning balance in the inspector’s report for the 2015 appeal is a useful starting point here as in most regards the circumstances remain unchanged.

““There will be a significant visual impact on the public right of way adjacent to the site, however the effects are very localised to specific stretches and mitigation will in time limit the impact on those views.

“Similarly, a limited number of properties will have an impact on their outlook – the property named ‘Bearcats Field’ in particular, but the moderate impact is considered acceptable.

“Wider landscape impacts are considered limited.”

It continues: “Whilst the development is not on a brownfield site, and will have an impact on agricultural land, it is largely poorer quality land and, in accordance with government guidance in the PPG (planning policy guidance), brings ecological benefits.

“A significant benefit, in line with policies at a national and local level, is the supply of energy from a renewable resource.”

One person has objected to the application on the grounds of loss of agricultural land, impact on the landscape and views and impact on wildlife.

The application will be determined by the strategic planning board at its next meeting which starts at 10am on Wednesday, March 26, at Crewe Municipal Buildings.

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