Business and Finance

FEATURE: Secret to stress-free tax season preparation

FEATURE: Secret to stress-free tax season preparation

Say goodbye to tax season stress and hello to peace of mind! Tax season often invokes stress and anxiety among individuals.

The looming deadlines, complex forms, and financial calculations can make this time of the year a daunting task for many.

October 8, 2023
FEATURE: Open banking: A new era in the UK’s financial landscape

FEATURE: Open banking: A new era in the UK’s financial landscape

The evolution of the banking sector has seen numerous waves of innovation, from the advent of online banking to the spread of mobile banking apps.

Among the most transformative developments in recent years is open banking.

September 25, 2023
Are certain social media platforms better for certain B2C niches?

Are certain social media platforms better for certain B2C niches?

In the modern era, social media platforms have become powerful marketing tools for businesses all over the world.

They offer a way to connect with a vast audience and engage potential customers.

September 13, 2023
7 trends to watch in ecommerce marketing

7 trends to watch in ecommerce marketing

What customers demand from a business usually changes based on the available technology, new buying habits, and many other factors.

But one way to keep business flowing in your ecommerce business is to embrace the right marketing techniques based on what is going on.

September 7, 2023
FEATURE: How translation and localization can propel your business to global success

FEATURE: How translation and localization can propel your business to global success

In today’s interconnected world, businesses have unprecedented opportunities to expand their reach beyond local markets.

The digital age has paved the way for international commerce, allowing companies to connect with customers, partners, and stakeholders from around the globe.

August 21, 2023
How to generate and save Forex and stock trading income

How to generate and save Forex and stock trading income

The rise in popularity of Forex and stock trading is a clear testament to the success that many have experienced with the practice.

The Forex market trades trillions of dollars daily, with an estimated 10 million users worldwide.

August 21, 2023
FEATURE: Moving your company from UK to Malta after Brexit

FEATURE: Moving your company from UK to Malta after Brexit

Brexit, a portmanteau of “British exit”, marked one of the most significant geopolitical shifts in recent decades.

With the UK’s departure from the European Union, businesses based in Britain have been grappling with the consequences, many pondering relocation within the EU.

August 10, 2023
FEATURE: Investing in 2023 – The Best Asset Classes

FEATURE: Investing in 2023 – The Best Asset Classes

For many, the investment market holds nothing but fear and trepidation at present, especially in developed economies such as the UK.

Here, the rate of inflation remains disproportionately high at 9.7%, and while this fell incrementally from the 10% mark reported in April, it continues to squeeze household incomes while driving up interest rates as part of quantitative easing measures from the Bank of England (BoE).

July 25, 2023
FEATURE: The hidden costs of carrying your luggage: Why storage makes sense

FEATURE: The hidden costs of carrying your luggage: Why storage makes sense

We’ve all experienced it: lugging around a hefty suitcase as we attempt to navigate the busy streets of an unfamiliar city.

The exhausting act of carrying your luggage can indeed make sightseeing less enjoyable.

July 24, 2023
FEATURE: Breaking the mould – how to create a playful and memorable brand identity

FEATURE: Breaking the mould – how to create a playful and memorable brand identity

In a world saturated with countless brands vying for attention, standing out from the crowd is essential for business success.

One effective way to achieve this is by creating a playful and memorable brand identity.

July 20, 2023
FEATURE: 5 common mistakes to avoid in Stock Trading

FEATURE: 5 common mistakes to avoid in Stock Trading

All investors have their wins and losses. Sometimes they make decisions like investing in the right company at the right time leading to profits, and sometimes they make mistakes that lead to significant losses.

July 17, 2023
FEATURE: Secured loans v unsecured loans: What are they and which is right for you?

FEATURE: Secured loans v unsecured loans: What are they and which is right for you?

Borrowing money is an inherently risky endeavour, but one that every one of us engages in at some point.

Whether dipping into an overdraft to buy a necessary item, or entering into a decades-long mortgage agreement in order to buy a home, borrowing is a fact of life.

July 14, 2023
FEATURE: What are the formats of Tracking Numbers?

FEATURE: What are the formats of Tracking Numbers?

Tracking numbers really play a crucial role in the world of logistics and shipping.

They are unique identifiers assigned to packages or shipments, allowing individuals and businesses to monitor the progress and current location of their precious goods.

June 30, 2023