Post Tagged with: "council tax"

Nantwich residents face 2% rise in police council tax bill

Nantwich residents face 2% rise in police council tax bill

Nantwich homeowners face a near 2% hike in the police element of council tax to help fund 21 new officers. Cheshire’s new Police & Crime Commissioner John Dwyer (Pictured) is set to turn down the Government’s council tax freeze grant of 1%.

February 5, 2013
Nantwich residents face Cheshire Police 4% council tax rise

Nantwich residents face Cheshire Police 4% council tax rise

Nantwich residents face another council tax rise after Cheshire Police announced it is to increase its portion by almost 4 per cent. It will add £5.69 a year to the bill of a typical Band D home, and comes on top of a large rise from Nantwich Town Council.

February 22, 2012
Cheshire East councillor defends tax bills facing Nantwich residents

Cheshire East councillor defends tax bills facing Nantwich residents

Exclusive A councillor has defended Cheshire East’s decision not to reduce its tax demand on Nantwich residents – despite a 300% rise in the town council precept. Cheshire East Council is handing over facilities such as Nantwich Civic Centre, indoor market, public toilets, and allotments to Nantwich Town Council.

January 30, 2012
Nantwich residents quizzed on Cheshire Police council tax option

Nantwich residents quizzed on Cheshire Police council tax option

Nantwich residents have a chance to air their views on whether the Cheshire Police council tax amount should go up. Three options are highlighted on the Cheshire Police Authority website as members consider the 2012/13 budget.

January 20, 2012
Nantwich councillors agree £67 rise in town council tax

Nantwich councillors agree £67 rise in town council tax

Nantwich Town councillors voted overwhelmingly for a rise in council tax, which will see households pay an extra £67 a year. The council needs to bump up the precept by £360,000 in 2012-13 to help fund the takeover of key facilities like the Civic Hall, indoor market, toilets, allotments, and Brookfield Hall.

January 17, 2012
Stapeley Parish Council outline 2012-13 spending plans

Stapeley Parish Council outline 2012-13 spending plans

Stapeley Parish Council is setting out its 2012-13 spending plans which could see an extra £9 per Band D property on council tax bills. Now families are being invited to a public meeting to air their views on the spending proposals, which amount to £61,000.

November 22, 2011