voters and candidates - by-election ballot box - candidates

Eight candidates will battle it out in the general election in a bid to become the next MP for Crewe and Nantwich, writes Belinda Ryan.

Ben Fletcher is the new Conservative candidate and will be hoping the Tories can keep hold of the seat which has had a tendency to alternate between Labour and Conservative over the past few years.

Labour’s Connor Naismith will be hoping to overturn the majority of 8,508 secured by the Conservatives in 2019.

Te Ata Browne is standing for the Green Party and Phil Lane is the candidate for the Workers Party.

Brian Silvester is standing for Putting Crewe/Nantwich First and Matthew Theobold is the Liberal Democrats candidate.

Matt Wood is standing for Reform UK.

The Official Monster Raving Loony Party is fielding Lord Psychobilly Tractor as its candidate.

Crewe and Nantwich has had both Conservative and Labour MPs since the constituency was formed in 1983.

The seat was held by the Conservatives until the dissolution of parliament last month although it will have a new MP whatever the outcome of the July 4 election because its last MP, Dr Kieran Mullan, is not seeking re-election in the Cheshire area.

Crewe and Nantwich has not been as affected by the shake-up of electoral boundaries as some areas across the country.

It has taken in part of the Leighton area which formerly came under Eddisbury and lost Wybunbury to the new South Chester and Eddisbury ward.

The electorate is stated as 76,236 and the wards in the Crewe and Nantwich constituency are: Crewe Central; Crewe East; Crewe North; Crewe South; Crewe St Barnabas; Crewe West; Haslington; Leighton; Nantwich North and West; Nantwich South and Stapeley; Shavington; Willaston and Rope; Wistaston.

The general election takes place on Thursday, July 4 and voters must take photo ID to the polling station.

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