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Maintaining optimal dental hygiene is important for your overall health.

But it can be difficult to know which the right tools are to enhance your oral care routine.

Dental technology has advanced significantly in recent years, flooding the market with improved products and solutions – but which ones are worth it?

Electric Toothbrushes
Dental professionals highly recommend electric toothbrushes due to their superior cleaning ability compared to manual ones.

Modern models come equipped with features such as timers or pressure sensors to prevent gum damage.

Various modes cater to sensitive teeth, gum care, and even whitening.

The current surge in AI technology even allows for a brushing mode tailored to you. But is it needed

The same report also suggests that the most important part of your dental routine is still the consistency of brushing twice a day for around two minutes.

Electric or manual still remains a personal preference.

Flossing Tools
Flossing your teeth is indispensable for removing plaque and food particles between teeth.

These are areas where neither an electrical nor manual toothbrush can reach, which is why it’s important to implement this additional step.

Traditional string floss is effective but can be cumbersome or difficult to use correctly.

Water flossers offer a user-friendly and fantastic alternative, particularly for those with braces or other dental devices.

Tongue Scrapers & Cleaners
Only around 10% of people are using an extra tool for cleaning the coating on the tongue’s surface, where bacteria can thrive and cause bad breath and other oral health issues.

Regular use can reduce it noticeably, contributing to a healthier mouth.

However, using your toothbrush to clean your tongue – even though around 30% less effective – is better than not cleaning it at all and is still a very valid alternative utilised by a massive majority of over 90%.

Nowadays, some toothbrushes even come with a designated cleaner at the backside of the bristles.

Mouthwashes & Rinses
Mouthwash can be another great addition by helping to kill bacteria.

It can reduce bad breath, plaque build-up, and gum disease, especially when you couple it with the previous products.

There are therapeutic mouthwashes available that even help treat oral health conditions, while cosmetic ones are primarily there to freshen your breath.

Make sure to pick one that meets your specific needs and does not contain ingredients that can irritate your mouth, as they can be quite aggressive.

As so often, the best routine comes down to your needs and your lifestyle.

Incorporating advanced tools can cut time and effort spent and be more efficient but keeping it old-school will keep your mouth just as healthy if you are mindful about it.

(Image free to use, from pxhere)

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