Nantwich Running Club members after litter pick (1)

Nantwich Running Club members have taken part in a community litter pick to help keep the town tidy, writes Jonathan White.

More than 30 members took to the streets of Nantwich along some of their favourite running routes including along Welsh Row, River Weaver footpaths and banks and locations on the outskirts of the town.

They collected more than 20 bags of rubbish which they left at the Snow Hill car park bins – a pre-arranged collection point agreed with ANSA.

Steve Epps, Chair of Nantwich Running Club, said: “I just want to say a big thank you to all club members that attended and helped put this litter pick together.

“As a club, we hoped to give something back to the local community and a litter pick seemed a good option.

“We collected lots of interesting things ranging from odd socks, a pair of shoes, cans of beer, an uneaten sandwich, single use vapes, even a pizza!

“Hopefully we can organise something similar later in the year.”

Nantwich Running Club was established in March 2021 and has since attracted more than 435 members of all abilities.

The club meets throughout the year at Malbank High School and members run in small groups for around 60 minutes every Monday and Wednesday evening at 6.30pm.

There are chatty pace groups to suit all abilities, each supported by a Run Leader, who follows an organised route ranging in distance from three to seven miles each session.

For further information relating to Nantwich Running Club visit or contact the club via email at [email protected]


  1. Izzy sum says:

    Lovely to see

  2. volunteers have been picking the streets for years, in lockdown 4,000 bags were collected, the days of eating and drinking and lobbing the rubbish where they stand, nothing changes, there are still feckless folk that think its ok, yet the cost to councils if they had to do more of this is vast, well done to the volunteers, need to get schools and families involved more

  3. Great community spirit – well done 🙂

    If each of us picked up one piece of litter every time we went out, the environment we live in would be a much cleaner place.

    And if each of those selfish individuals who think its OK to throw stuff on the ground when they had finished with it stopped and thought about their actions, it would be even cleaner!

    Events like this are brilliant, but its a shame they have to happen in the first place.

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