Nantwich Museum is appealing for volunteers to help keep the popular venue running.
They are in need of people to help with fundraising, organising events, and preparing and distributing posters.
“Volunteers play an essential part in the running of the museum working in teams to bring a wide range of skills to support the permanent staff,” said a spokesman.
If you would like to explore the possibility of joining the museum’s team of volunteers, contact Kate Dobson, the community development manager.
Email [email protected], call 01270 627104, visit www.nantwichmuseum.org.uk
Meanwhile, the Pillory Street venue has just launched the first of a series of comics which tell the story of various aspects of the town’s history.
The illustrated four-page leaflet recounts The Great Fire of 1583 and is available in the museum shop, costing 50p.
The comics will also recount stories such as how inhabitants of the town would dress the brine spring and spend the day celebrating the gift of brine two years after The Great Fire.
It also highlights how in acknowledgement of the generosity of Queen Elizabeth I in helping to rebuild the town, May 1st became known as “Queen’s Day”.
Kate Dobson added: “They have been drawn by local artist Les Pickford and will help enormously taking the story of the town to young people.”
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