Police are warning homeowners in Nantwich to secure properties in hot weather after two houses were burgled in Stapeley.
Offenders forced open ground floor windows to enter the houses on Flowerscroft, on the Cronkinson development.
Nantwich Police say the incidents happened between 8am and 6pm on Friday June 26.
If anyone saw anything or has information regarding the burglaries, contact 101 quoting incident numbers 674 or 844 of 26/06/15.
The break-ins happened just days after three teenagers were seen stealing a TV after walking into open patio doors at Clarendon Court care home in Stapeley.
A police spokesperson said: “During this hot weather please be aware of your home security.
“Avoid leaving doors and windows open, even when you are home an open window or door will encourage opportunists to sneak in and take your belongings.
“If you see any suspicious people or vehicles in your area please call 101, if you see a crime in progress always call 999.”
Far better to draw the curtains and blinds, and open up the attic hatch till you are home
Yes no end of people seem to leave their windows open, so easy to get in, even if it is on the sneck. Better to close the curtains or blinds.