A Nantwich man has been jailed for more than four years after being found guilty of sexual behaviour involving a 15-year-old child.
Andrew Robinson, 54, from Broomhall, near Sound, was convicted on five counts of inappropriate conduct with a child under the age of 16.
Robinson (pictured) was jailed for 52 months at Chester Crown Court, and placed on the Sexual Offender’s Register.
The former company director will also be subject to a sexual harm prevention order.
Robinson had pleaded guilty to all five counts and was sentenced by Chester Crown Court on Thursday, June 25.
Today, a friend of the victim’s family said there was relief. She cannot be named for legal reasons.
“People need to know about what he did, it should not be brushed under the carpet,” said the friend.
“He pleaded guilty, but he could be out in two years. For the sake of everyone, this needs to be known.”
“People need to know about what he did, it should not be brushed under the carpet,” said the friend.
Haha and he used sell carpets pretty funny coincidence
He’s a grown man who abused a young girls trust to get sexual gratification. He should have everything taken from him. His selfish acts have destroyed someone else’s family and shown he doesn’t care about his own. I doubt this was a one off occasion.
Whether she is 5 or 15 is irrelevant. The law is the law and as an adult he should have controlled himself and not broken that law.
The victim Was 15 years old not primary school age, and she looks around 16-18 all ways two sides to a story and your only hearing one of them. In this day and age you know what your doing at 15 years old.
Most 15 year olds don’t have sex with a man who is nearly 4 times their age. “In this day and age you know what your doing at 15 years old.” Yes, seeing other lads around their age, 15. Not a 50+ grown man. Are you a good friend of Mr. Robinson? Would make sense then i guess.
Yes I suspect very much that he is .
Robinson owns a commercial property in Nothwich next to Northwich Victoria Primary School I hope they are aware.
Once again, the justice system has failed another innocent child. This man deserves nothing more than to be castrated and thrown into prison for the rest of his pathetic life.
Dirty pervert. He should be hung
WILL HE liVE Opposite the school when he’s out on two years on good behaviour he should move a thousand miles away!!!!!!!!!
4years what a disgrace and a kick in the guts for his victims. I hate that word victims. Their strong courageous people. He is nothing more than a scum bag.
Cant belive he lived opposite sound primary school!!!!!!!! How do they go undetected????????
How would you or anyone else know what a potential sex offender looked like? Unless he commits a crime he is not an offender. Fortunately it seems he was caught, so it seems the police and the justice system did a good job.