EqualiTeas - nantwich museum sign - volunteers

Nantwich Museum has achieved full accreditation under the Arts Council England scheme.

The scheme sets nationally agreed standards for UK museums.

Accreditation is awarded for performance, achievement and improvement through effective planning, responsible collections management and active engagement with the community.

It means the Pillory Street venue has met a national standard which will strengthen its funding potential.

It qualifies to be offered local archaeological finds such as the Hurleston Brooch, a medieval brooch discovered in 2009 and classified as “treasure” under the Treasure Act of 1997.

Kate Dobson (pictured, below) manages the museum supported by two part-time members of staff Fiona Swain and Colin Davies, and around 50 volunteers.

Kate Dobson, Nantwich Museum Manager

It is run as an independent charitable trust by a board of management chaired by Nick Dyer, and has 149 Friends of the Museum members.

In 2015/16, more than 23,000 people visited the museum including almost 1,500 from schools making organised trips.

Another 900 were involved in museum events through outreach activities including town tours and talks by members of the museum.

Museum spokesman Graham Dodd said: “Some may have noticed our swinging sign has recently been removed as it had become unsafe and must now be replaced!

“This is just one small example of capital spends that constantly have to be met to maintain the museum.

“Other examples are the need to maintain expensive security and IT systems to protect the collection and ensure the safety of those working at the facility and its visitors.

“Fixed costs to keep the museum running are of the order of £1,000 per week.

“These are met by grants, in particular those from Cheshire East Council and Nantwich Town Council, donations including legacy gifts, sponsorship and commercial activities such as the shop.

“Accreditation puts us in a strong position for securing finance for capital spends on specific projects but the challenge into the future remains securing sustainable funding.

“A reserve has to be retained to cover the costs of closure in the event that finance fails.”

The museum’s Dementia Friendship Group is one specialist activity.

It was formed to support anyone living with or caring for someone with dementia.

Meeting on the first and/or third Monday of each month from 2pm it offers a comfortable and relaxed environment where people are free to come and go as they please.

An award of £2,470 was received from Cheshire East Council as part of their Participatory Budgeting Day and will be used to promote the group and develop sessions.

Contact Nantwich Museum on [email protected], 01270 627104, visit www.nantwichmuseum.org.uk

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