A beloved family dog stolen from a car in Nantwich before Christmas has been found – in Anglesey!
The theft of terrier called Mouse sparked a major social media campaign, and Nantwich Police also appealed for help.
The dog was swiped from a parked vehicle on Morrison’s car park in Nantwich Mouse on Sunday December 23.
Police launched a hunt after witnesses say they saw a man grab the Jack Russell Terrier from owner Mandy Glove’s green Toyota Hilux pick-up vehicle when taken between 12-12.30pm.
He last seen running across the road towards Pratchetts Row wearing work type boots carrying the dog.
Heartbroken Mandy, family and friends launched a poster and internet campaign, #BringMouseHomeForChristmas, to try and trace Mouse.
But this morning, they revealed on Facebook: “Mouse is coming home!
“Just received a call to say she is in Anglesey! On way to pick her up. Thank you so much to all who have helped.”
Nantwich Police are investigating the theft of Mouse.
If you have any information regarding this incident contact Cheshire Police on 101 quoting IML number: 276877.
Fantastic! Now people just need to find the other adorable little one stolen from Crewe.
So pleased you have mouse.
Looks the double of our george , so glad you got him back x