A Nantwich pub has been forced to reduce its operating hours after undergoing a licence review, town councillors were told.
The White Horse pub on Pillory Street has applied for a variation of its premises licence following the review sparked by complaints from residents in the town.
Greene King Brewing and Retailing, which owns the pub, has applied to reduce its alcohol sales licence, to stop serving at 1am instead of 2am.
It has also applied to cease ‘regulated entertainment’ at 12.30am Fridays and Saturdays and 12am Sundays to Thursdays. It is currently 1am throughout the week.
Its opening hours will also be reduced, closing at 1.30am instead of 2.30am.
Nantwich Town Council clerk told a meeting last night (February 7): “There have been a number of complaints of late night noise.
“Following a review of the licence, the pub has been requested to apply to change its licence conditions so it cannot serve and open for as long into the early hours.”
Cllr Peter Groves added: “I would like the White Horse to put up some signs on doors asking its customers to show some respect for residents living nearby.
“I’ve received numerous complaints where in the early hours people leaving the pub have been banging on residents’ doors and windows, which is simply unacceptable.
“It’s just asking its customers to show some common courtesy when leaving late at night.”
(pic by Jaggery creative commons licence)
Really Kurt, ?! When they chose to live here, people were more considerate, the bars were not open as long as they are now, and pub customers were limited in how much they could spend.
Times change, sometimes change is good, sometimes it’s not.
Clearly there are issues now that need addressing, not casually dismissing valid concerns.
I wonder why there is no byline to this story so that we can call the reporter to task. This type of reporting gives credence to Donald Trump’s Fake News and alternative facts.
The change of hrs only affect Sundays and Mondays. The former has already been in force since november except for Xmas and the venue is never open that late on a Monday as it is a quiet night.
It’s opening hrs have not been reduced from 2.30am to 1.30am, the only effect of the review was the playing of live music.
If Cllr Peter Groves was to leave his ivory tower he would know that the venue has had signs up for over two years asking patrons to be courteous when they leave. Also, if he can provide proof that the “people knocking on residents houses” are from the venue that would be great as there are a number of other venues in town they could have come from.
Neighbours have a right to complain if they wish but they need to remember they chose to live here and the venue brings business to the town with people coming from a wide surrounding area.
I have every sympathy with the residents, extension of hours year after year is a drain beyond belief.
This would not have been the case years ago, it’s got out of hand.