winter fuel - chief executive appointed

Ratepayers in Nantwich and rest of Cheshire East are likely to face another council tax increase next from April 2020, writes Stephen Topping.

Consultation has started on Cheshire East Council’s draft budget plans for 2020-21.

A sneak peak at the headline figures was given at CEC’s overview and scrutiny committee on October 31.

It is set to include a possible council tax hike of 1.99%, plus a 2% precept to cover adult social care.

CEC expects to rake in an additional £4.3 million from the tax increase plus an extra £4.3 million from the precept.

The council also expects to rake in an extra £4.1 million in council tax from 2,200 new homes, while it will collect £1.3 million from business rates.

A social grant for 2020-21 recently announced by Government will see CEC receive £5.1 million.

The local authority’s overall budget will rise by £18.9 million from this year’s position to around £300 million, and the council says it will have a balanced budget.

Alex Thompson, head of finance and performance, told members the figures represent a ‘strong one-year budget’ – but that the council could not be complacent when planning for future years.

Consultation will end on January 6, before the final budget plans are considered by cabinet on February 4 and ratified by full council on February 20.

More details will be available from tomorrow, when the draft budget is published at


  1. Ok course we are but they will not admit their mistakes and cockups

  2. So £21 million wasted on B&Q last year which should have been spent on Social Care is now another 2% this year! How long can this so called Council keep gambling with tax payers money. We are already overcharged for things we don’t get!!

  3. Are we paying for the mistakes the council is making buying b and q land and there is probably more, also does the mayor need a Bentley we all have to make cuts.

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