Nantwich has been presented top prize of Gold in the Town Category of the Britain in Bloom Awards.
The hard work and dedication of volunteers has paid off for the ninth year running after earning the award at the North West in Bloom Awards Ceremony in Southport.
Britain in Bloom is no longer just about spectacular floral displays.
Gardeners have to respond to the changing climate, declining pollinator numbers and plastic waste.
And more communities are galvanizing people around these issues to bring about positive change.
Nantwich is a fine example of what can be achieved, with judges saying: “The judges were pleased to see your efforts to move towards a more sustainable and wildlife friendly form of planting.
“We noted your increased use of insect pollinator-friendly plants.
“Also, more use of perennial plants. We thought your theme for “Bees & Butterflies” in the town centre was particularly successful.
“It was clear from the start that the entry displayed all that is best with Britain in Bloom.
“There is an enthusiastic and committed group of volunteers who are driving the project forward and each and everyone is to be congratulated on what has been achieved.
“It is obvious that the town of Nantwich benefits greatly from all their hard work and endeavours.”

The Mayor of Nantwich Town Council Cllr Arthur Moran said: “This is a tremendous accolade for the town and I wish to take this opportunity to thank all the Nantwich In Bloom volunteers for their hard work, as well as the continuing support from ANSA, Nantwich Town Council staff and of course Nantwich Litter Group.”
Sue Hughes, a Nantwich in Bloom committee member for around 15 years and secretary for 10 years, also received an individual award for Outstanding Contribution to Nantwich in Bloom.
Originally Sue was involved working with gardeners at Richmond Village and also worked with Doug Butterill and Connie Jones as assistant secretary.

Yes brilliant work, we should be really grateful to have volunteers keeping the town beautiful, when you look at other areas we are really lucky.
More folk should get up and help, ”tis easy to take this for granted, imagine if every street had volunteers we would be awesome.
But then some folk are bone idle.
Pity thee rest of the weedy streets are the same
Get out there and do some weeding yourself if you’re so concerned!
Meanwhile, give some credit to people who put in loads of effort.
Exactly Nigel, the work to win this award was done by volunteers. There is nothing stopping anyone volunteering to weed the streets of Nantwich. Congratulations on the award
Very well done!