More than £600,000 has been spent on body-worn video cameras by Cheshire police since 2017, writes Ethan Davies.
A freedom of information request to the force shows that £535,000 was spent on equipping ‘frontline operational’ officers with the technology since 2018, with another £90,000 for ‘taser officers and football spotters’.
Both contracts were given to Reveal Media Ltd, one of the largest suppliers of body-worn cameras in the UK.
Superintendent Julie Westgate said: “Body worn video is an essential piece of operational kit which promotes public reassurance, prevents harm and deters people from committing crime and anti-social behaviour.
“The cameras have a number of benefits to policing in Cheshire and use of them has significantly improved the way in which we gather evidence, which is vital for ongoing cases.
“A recent example is the case of Daniel Sharples who was convicted of the murder of Michael Mairs in August 2019.
“During the trial the jury was shown key body-worn footage of Sharples admitting to officers that he had attacked Mr Mairs.
“The footage also demonstrates the dangers our officers face when attending certain incidents and helps our frontline to prepare for any challenges they might meet in modern day policing.”
Currently, Cheshire Constabulary bosses have 1,250 devices at their disposal, although the smaller contract for taser officials comes to an end this month.
The other contract will wind up in April 2021 — with both deals being in place for three years.
Police officials say those contract re-negotiations will be handled by the strategic procurement team, which manages ‘all procurement processes’ for the body.
That seems like money well-spent or it would be if police were to be seen. Exectly how do body cameras deter ‘people from committing crime and anti-social behaviour’? How does a body camera prevent a crime that’s taking place half a mile away? Do the police think criminals will do them a favour and hang around until they can be caught on camera? Wishful thinking.