winter fuel - chief executive appointed

A new shared vision “for children and young people in Cheshire East” has been endorsed by CEC’s cabinet, writes Ethan Davies.

It comes after a November 2019 Ofsted inspection, which felt that CEC’s work in children’s services would benefit from an ‘overarching vision’.

The vision includes aims such as making “families and communities strong, welcoming and supportive, where differences are celebrated”.

And it says it will be “supporting young people to build on their strengths, develop resilience, and achieve their full potential”.

A report added: “This will help us improve outcomes for children and young people by ensuring support is based on what works for them as individuals, there is a one team approach across the partnership centred on the needs of the child or young people, and by recognising and building on strengths within families creating increased resilience for the future.

“Cabinet has a key role in ensuring that, as a council, we achieve strong outcomes for all our children, young people and families, particularly those that are more vulnerable to poorer outcomes and need additional help and support.”

Although the proposal received unanimous support from the council’s Labour-Independent cabinet, Conservative Cllr Jos Saunders said: “I welcome this vision.

“It is ambitious but that is only appropriate as we want to see our young people achieve their potential.

“I hope that when the budget is published it is sufficient [to give] the resources [to staff] needed.”

Leader Cllr Sam Corcoran replied: “Let’s see what the budget brings when it comes back with consultation responses.”

CEC will debate the budget for 2021/22 at next month’s cabinet meeting and full council summit.

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