Residents in South Cheshire are being offered virtual mental health and wellbeing sessions thanks to a funding boost.
Local policing team and volunteer group Nantwich Buddies have received the funding from the Police Commissioner’s Community Police Fund.
It will fund a six-week course for anyone in the borough who is suffering with their mental health and wellbeing.
The course will guide participants through daily activities and resources for happier living.
It aims to help anyone who feels they would benefit from regular positive interactions and connecting with fellow members of their community.
The “Happy Appy” will be an extension of support offered through the Happiness Hub Podcast and Facebook Group.
Participants will be able to engage in “mindfulness sessions” and other wellbeing techniques all delivered online.
This includes:
● Daily wellness and mindfulness prompts
● Resources and videos to live a happier and healthy life
● A private chat area where you can chat and engage with the Happy Appy Team and other participants
Which you can complete in your own time and on top of all that!
● You’ll be invited to a 45 minutes weekly ZOOM sessions with the team and special guests.
There are currently 15 spaces available on the course.
If you would like to take part complete the form online by Friday April 16.
The course will start the Sunday after this date.
More details here www.nantwichbuddies.org/happyappy
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