winter fuel - chief executive appointed

Dear Editor,

First the Labour/Independent administration decided to make cuts to children’s services, now they have the residents aged over 85 years old and living alone in their sights.

At the Cabinet meeting on 13th April, they voted to approve a consultation aimed at removing the free basic package of assistive technology (alarm pendants) to those aged 85 years old and over who live alone.

The previous Conservative administration introduced this free service in 2015 following the work and recommendations of a task and finish working group.

I was part of that group and presented the findings to an informal Cabinet meeting.

Also part of that working group was the present Portfolio Holder for Health Cllr Laura Jeuda.

I believe and still do, that this service is of immense benefit to our elderly and vulnerable.

Inevitably the numbers that are in receipt of this are not huge but the potential cost if this is taken away are.

Those costs are in respect to the fear experienced if a resident has a fall at night and is unable to call anyone, as well as the cost to the NHS as the person will inevitably be far more poorly if not attended to quickly.

I cannot understand why we are even considering such an uncaring decision which I believe reflects badly on Cheshire East Council.

I am aware that it states in the paper that there is poorer uptake of this service in places such as Crewe and they want to reduce inequalities.

In that case surely we should be targeting Crewe and encouraging those residents to use it rather than just taking this free service away from everyone?

Cllr. Jos Saunders (Conservative)
Poynton East and Pott Shrigley

One Comment

  1. Martin Bond says:

    I do think these correspondents need to have a word with the government in Westminster and get them to properly finance local authorities.

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