More than 98% of Cheshire East parents have been given a primary school place of their choice, says the authority.
Figures show 92.8% of Cheshire East families received their first choice – an increase from 91.4% in 2020.
And 98.4% received a preference place – an increase from 98.1% in 2020.
Letters were distributed on national offer day on Friday (April 16).
It is Cheshire East Council’s statutory responsibility to ensure there are enough school places across the boroug.
It says the admissions team received more than 4,000 applications for reception places for September 2021.
Ged Rowney, Cheshire East Council interim director of children’s services, said: “We have a superb record in Cheshire East for children and their parents being offered a place of their choice in one of the borough’s many primary schools.
“We know that Cheshire East is a great place to learn with 93% of our primary schools rated good or outstanding by Ofsted.
“Our vision is that all children and young people, including our most vulnerable, have choices in their education and onto employment and training.
“In short, we want them to have an enjoyable education that supports them to achieve to their full potential.
“Our role is to ensure that we have enough school places for our growing population.
“Approximately £84 million has been invested in schemes that are either completed or committed, into schools for additional places or to improve their condition.
“Providing additional places also helps more children attend a local school reducing the need to travel and promoting a healthy lifestyle by walking or cycling.
“With all the disruption to education over the last 12 months, I’d like to thank all our schools and the admissions team for working so hard to ensure that children can come to school, get the best start in life and learn, develop and experience the many exciting opportunities that await them.
“For the very small proportion of parents who have not received a place at their first preference school, this will be disappointing.
“If these families would prefer an alternative school, parents have the right to submit an appeal and/or go on the waiting list for another school(s).
“Parents are advised to accept their child’s offer even if they would prefer a different school, until they have confirmed alternative arrangements for their child’s education.”
More information and advice can be found at www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/schooladmissions or on the website of the preferred school.
Parents are also encouraged to follow the council’s Family Information Service on social media for tips and advice.
(Library pic from CEC, for display purposes only)
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