Everybody Health and Leisure has been awarded a contract from Central Cheshire Integrated Care Partnership to run a post COVID rehabilitation programme.
The Cheshire East organisation will deliver a six-week exercise and education programme as part of a post-COVID hub delivered by the NHS.
Donna Williamson, senior manager Health Innovation at Everybody, said: “The programme supports patients who have been diagnosed with Post COVID in their road to recovery.
“The aim is to support patients back to full function, prevent long-term disability and improve quality of life and is delivered by trained specialist exercise instructors in Long COVID.
“The exercise is tailored to each individual patient, so don’t worry if you don’t feel you can exercise.”
Once patients have completed the programme, they can continue attending Everybody rehabilitation exercise classes.
Jane Wilmer, pulmonary rehabilitation team lead, added: “The Post Covid Recovery Service in Mid Cheshire is delighted to be working in partnership with Everybody Health and Leisure.
“The exercise and education programme will be an integral part of the service we offer patients, to aid their recovery.”
The programme is held at Crewe Lifestyle Centre and Macclesfield Leisure Centre.
Patients need to attend twice a week to gain maximum benefit.
To access the service, patients need a referral from the Post COVID Hub.
(Pic: Amy Ward- Covid Recovery Physiotherapy Lead, Jane Wilmer Pulmonary Rehabilitation Team Lead, Donna Williamson Senior Manager, Health Innovation at Everybody Health and Leisure and Ellie Dick, Health Referral Lead, Health Innovation at Everybody Health and Leisure)
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