Dear Editor,
There were 4,321 incidents of fly-tipping in Cheshire East in the year ending April 2021. That is compared to 1,377 in 2013.
An increase of over 300% There were 541 enforcement actions taken in the year ending April 2021, compared to 764 in 2013, a REDUCTION in enforcements of almost 30%.
Of the 3,235 total incidents recorded in Cheshire East from April 2020 to the end of the Municipal year, 2,164 — or 66.9 per cent — were in Crewe.
That is seven-and-a-half times more incidents of fly-tipping than were recorded in Macclesfield, the next worst town.
On average, in that year, there were 6 cases of fly tipping reported every DAY in Crewe.
This is totally unacceptable.
Cheshire East need to give far more attention to the selfish crime of fly-tipping and the identification and prosecution of the culprits.
It defaces communities and there is no need for it because anyone can go the the Tip in Crewe, free of charge.
More prosecutions of fly-tipping need to be made, the fines need to be massively increased and repeat offenders should go to prison, to act as a deterrent.
Repeat offenders are rarely fined and when they are, they look upon the fines as a cost of doing business and carry on with their evil work.
If any residents have any information on fly tipping and/or fly tippers they should report it to the Council.
Cheshire East should make it easier for residents to report incidents of fly tipping and the identification of the culprits, both online and via the phone.
Cllr Brian Silvester
Putting Crewe First
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