Dear Editor,
Shockingly, Labour-run Cheshire East are proposing to shut libraries on a Saturday and reduce opening hours on other days.
‘Putting Crewe First’ is totally opposed to this.
Every year, regardless of whether Cheshire East is run by the Tories or Labour the Council tax goes up by a huge amount and the services are reduced.
This year the Council Tax increase of 4.99% is higher than ever and the cuts are worse than ever.
Where is all this extra Council Tax going?
Several hundred houses are built each year in Cheshire East.
Where is all this ADDITIONAL Council tax going?
There are plenty of ways that Cheshire East could save money.
They could cut the fat cat salaries of the top officers.
Four officers at Cheshire East Council were paid more than £100,000 each in the 2020-21 financial year.
The Council’s Chief Executive was the top earner on a salary of a whopping £155,175 per year.
Also they could scrap unwanted schemes like the £11 MILLION multi storey car park in the centre of Crewe.
Closing libraries on Saturdays would deprive many working people and school children and students of this resource. The libraries also perform a role
as warm spaces – closing warm spaces at this time doesn’t make sense.
The book budget has been reduced gradually over many years – this needs to be reversed not accelerated as these proposals indicate.
Yours faithfully
Cllr Brian Silvester
Putting Crewe First
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