188 home scheme -Muller developer of Stapeley housing scheme

A developer has relocated a play area and replaced a proposed community orchard with allotments to address concerns raised about a controversial 188-home scheme planned for Nantwich, writes Belinda Ryan.

Cheshire East’s planning officers had recommended councillors on the strategic planning board approve the reserved matters application from David Wilson Homes and Muller for phase one development on land at Peter Destapleigh Way at Stapeley at its meeting in January.

The principle for residential development as part of a wider mixed-use development was permitted after the application, submitted in 2012 and refused by the council, was given the go ahead on appeal by the Secretary of State in 2020.

But the SPB deferred reserved matters application in January for further consideration to be given to the location of the public open space and NEAP (neighbourhood equipped play area); the provision of allotments and to review the layout next to a property on Bishops Court.

It is due to be considered by the SPB again on Wednesday (March 29)

In a report due to go to that meeting, the council’s planning officer states: “The site layout has been amended in terms of the main area of public open space serving the development including the relocation of the NEAP to a more southerly and central position.”

He said the originally proposed community/orchard gardens had been replaced with a secure allotment site within the north-western part of the public open space and the site layout has also been amended to ensure an improved relationship with existing properties of Bishops Wood.

Stapeley Parish Council objected to the scheme and listed a number of reasons, including the provision of land allocated for public open space is not sufficient to meet the needs of neighbourhood, together with concerns over the traffic assessment and air quality.

Thirteen other objections have been received from members of the public who raised numerous concerns.

One says: “This planning application has been ongoing for over 10 years and refused several times.

“It is evident that the people of Nantwich do not want or need this development and the Stapeley area has been inundated with various developments over recent years.”

Another asked why a greenfield site is being developed when many brownfield sites are available.

Others say Cheshire East had a five-year housing supply which was totally ignored by the then Secretary of State.

The planning officer states in the report: “The proposal achieves an appropriately designed residential development.”

He said the scheme will deliver 30% affordable housing and it achieves “an acceptable relationship with the character of the locality, without material harm to neighbouring residential amenity, and would provide sufficient amenity for the new occupants”.

The application is recommended for approval.

The strategic planning board meeting takes place at Crewe Municipal Buildings on Wednesday, March 29 at 10am.

(Aerial pic by Jonathan White)


  1. Stapeley resident says:

    There is a proven need for a new high school and additional primary school and doctors surgeries in Nantwich. North west facing Allotments? Roads need to be repaired desperately. What provision has been made in the plans for the schools and doctors?

  2. There was a push in Leeds to build 40,000 houses, the locals were horrified, they were mostly large 4 bed plus homes with little consideration to the elderly downsizing, or disabled or young families starting out or young people wanting studio sized places. the plan was considered again and it turned out it was builders greed as only 4,000 house were actually required, guess what happened, people power shut out the builders dreams, and only 4,000 homes were passed, we are sold lies packaged as dreams, what fools are we?

  3. Anthony marsden says:

    More houses and no increase in infrastructure.. schools and doctors over subscribed but let the councillors sanction more unnecessary housing…meanwhile tge roads are an absolute disgrace.. priorities

  4. People are so fickle half the people who live on stapley water gardens didn’t want that site and lived on the old stapley peratree side but moved over. Now they don’t want the other side to be developed. Just let it go ahead at least it will have amenities. We need to encourage growth into the area small business units will be good for the area.

  5. 188. Thats at least 320 Cars.. All travelling towards Cheerbrook. The last few Years has already brought gridlock. The bumper to bumper on Peter Desp Way to Traffic Lights is breaking polution in that area .The Houses nearby should sue . Its deadly . Old London Rd Traffic cant get out. This should be stopped. It simply is not feasable . The propaganda lines selling the idea are sickening. The area already cant provide healthcare . There is other Land .

  6. Hilarious North West facing allotments will be hopeless

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