Award-winning campaign group Sustainable Nantwich is calling on Food Festival goers to say no to plastic this weekend.
Tens of thousands of people are set to descend on the town over the next three days for the popular annual event.
Sustainable Nantwich members have been working with the Food Festival organisers to try to make the event more environmentally friendly.
And it has put forward a host of ideas to turn the tide of waste which often results from large scale events.
The Festival has pledged to do more in years to come to cut waste, improve recycling and cut pollution.
Sustainable Nantwich will run information stall at the heart of the festival.
They will be judging exhibitors on their environment credibility to award a Sustainability Medal for the first time in the history of the Food Festival.
Waste campaigner and Plastic Free Nantwich co-ordinator Sam Pohlmann said it was great festival organisers wanted to put environmental sustainability at the heart of the big food event.
She said: “But money talks and while stall holders and traders continue to ignore the advice and concerns of their customers then waste and pollution will continue to stain the success the food fest brings to the town.
“The most powerful people in this equation are the public. If customers give exhibitors and stall holders a clear message that they won’t buy into pollution then things will change.
“Make money talk for the planet and for a healthy world – say no to plastic packaging this weekend. Pollution leaves a bad taste in the mouth.”
The festival starts tomorrow (Friday September 1) with large marquees in Love Lane and Bowling Green as well as many exhibitors, performers and food providers all over the town centre.
Sustainable Nantwich was set up to create a “Plastic Free” Nantwich.
A number of local shops and Nantwich Town Council have signed up and Nantwich has national Plastic Free town status.
They are pushing for stall holders to go plastic free, and for customers not to accept plastic and ask for eco packaging.
The group also organises litter picks, encouraging waste reduction, reuse, repair, recycling and composting.
It works with other organisations such as Nantwich Civic Society, Nantwich in Bloom, and Ansa.
It also aims to have reusable cups in all cafes, and is working to develop hydro and solar power to work towards a carbon neutral town.
To find out more, visit Sustainablenantwich or email [email protected]
be careful what you wish for, the smaller plastic bottles that once littered the streets have been replaced by small glass ones that are now smashed by morons it seems, not sure this is an improvement they wished for
I will probably buy one plastic bag from mornflake oats which will last me for one whole year when doing any any casual shopping such as in the market.