Thousands more dead fish have been floating in the River Weaver in Nantwich, prompting fears of yet another massive slurry pollution incident.
Nantwich Town Council and Cheshire East Cllr Anna Burton said she alerted the Environment Agency to the latest incident.
The EA were already investigating two previous incidents in the last two weeks as concern mounts for the damage caused by slurry spills upstream in the Weaver.
The EA, local councillors and representatives of Nantwich Angling Society are due to meet to discuss the problem.
No one has been charged or prosecuted currently and the EA is continuing to investigate.
Cllr Burton said: “I spent hours on the phone and then on site with officers from Cheshire East and the Environment Agency, looking for the source of the pollution and clearing up the dead fish. It was an upsetting experience.”
While the source of the pollution is yet to be confirmed it is believed it involves pollution run off upstream towards Audlem or beyond.

Cllr Burton said the public sector agencies had mobilised fast once they were alerted to the crisis, but by that stage it was too late.
She added: “I am not criticising the council or the EA who have worked incredibly hard in difficult circumstances.
“The issue here is more profound. Our rivers are under constant assault from those profiteering from pollution.
“Once again we are seeing our rivers being used as open sewers and all the work done by a host of agencies to bring wildlife back to our rivers is being poisoned.
“This is the result of over a decade of slashing environmental protections by central Government.
“The Environment Agency has seen its powers and its funding slashed.
“The incumbent Crewe and Nantwich MP voted in favour of allowing water companies to pour sewage into our rivers.
“It’s all about putting profit before people and the environment. The privatised water companies, big agriculture, developers; all have a vested interest in watering down regulations that protect our waterways. We should all be very angry.”
We have contacted the EA for a latest statement on the investigation.
(Other Images courtesy of Richard Penkethman)
As I’ve mentioned before, it’s likely the sewage from the White Lion Public House in Hankelow.
I find it unbelievable that in an age when technology should mean that we understand how to the problems and that these incidents create such an calamity, it is still allowed to happen. I often walk down the river Weaver. Seeing the white floating islands coming down from Northwich is so embarrassing, so awful. We have a town buolt on what should be a stunning river. Instead it smells, kills the fish, and prevents us as humans form entering the water for leisure. Crazy species us humans.