Dear Editor,
Ban retail developments outside Town Centre. #CreweFirst says that Cheshire East should ban any new, out of town centre, major shopping developments in Crewe.
There is now a huge gaping hole in Crewe Town Centre where the, doomed from the start, #RoyalArcade development, was planned to go.
That is where new retail development should be directed to locate.
If something is not done soon Crewe Town Centre will die completely. There is now, sadly, little in the town centre to entice anyone to come and shop there.
Major retailers have been leaving on a regular basis for several years.
The Grand Junction Retail Park in Earle Street, Crewe has become the alternative town centre (and no car park charges), but that has major access problems at peak times.
Yours faithfully,
Cllr Brian Silvester
Putting Crewe First, People Before Politics
Jay nobody is suggesting we should shop like it was the 70s but just as how housing planning favours redevelopment of brownfield sites over greenfields preference should be given for those wanting to build in town centre over further expansion in the suburbs
What difference does it make where shops want to locate their business as long as they invest in the area? Why do you want to control what street people shop on? The town centre, like many small /medium size towns has a lot of old unsuitable buildings- town and city centres that are flourishing have been regenerated in recent years with new modern buildings. As long as the businesses want to invest in the area why shouldn’t they be allowed to in modern and suitable buildings? Why should it matter that people shop at the retail park and not on another street? The royal arcade development, completely screwed up when Labour took over the council, was a good idea in principle, knocked down a number of old, empty and unsuitable buildings that is good progress – what makes you think we should all carry on living and shopping like it was the 1970s?
The man with a plan who was on the council and wanted out of town development, too little to late Brian, you also don’t want 15 minute towns or has that changed again
Why don’t you build an ICE RINK ..