Ascension Day tower roof service atop St Marys Nantwich - May 2024 (1) (1)

An early morning Ascension Day tower roof service took place at the top of St Mary’s Nantwich 101ft high church tower, writes Jonathan White.

The Ascension Day Service was led by Rector of St Mary’s Church Revd Dr Mark Hart on Thursday (May 9).

There were a dozen members of the St Mary’s Choir in attendance and Stefan Zientek (Tower Captain) climbing the tower, and several people joining in at street level.

The service involved readings and hymns and finished with The Dismissal: ‘Go in the peace of Christ. Alleluia, alleluia. Thanks be to God. Alleluia, alleluia.’

Ascension Day commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven, as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible.

Ascension Day tower roof service atop St Marys Nantwich - May 2024 (4) (1)

It is observed 40 days after Easter Sunday, which is significant because according to Christian tradition Jesus was seen for 40 days on Earth after his resurrection before ascending into heaven.

Revd Dr Mark Hart said: “What better way to start Ascension Day, especially when it’s such a beautiful morning, than at the highest point of Nantwich singing glorious hymns?”

For further information relating to St Mary’s Nantwich, call 01270 625268 (Parish Office) or visit: and

Ascension Day tower roof service atop St Marys Nantwich - May 2024 (2) (1)

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