John Sims, rotarian and Good Samaritan

A member of Wych-Malbank Rotary Club in Nantwich became a Good Samaritan after hearing an urgent plea from a local resident in need.

The resident was desperate and unable to afford carpets to cover his bare floorboards due to suffering from ill health.

So rotary club member John Sims, a retired carpet fitter, offered to help.

And they organised new carpets and fitting with the help of friends.

“It was the least I could do,” said John.

“When I was contacted through the club about this, I decided straight away I needed to do something, and it was lovely to be able to help someone this way.”

The resident said: “You don’t know how much this means to me.

“With everything I have been through, you have made me so happy. Thank you from the bottom for my heart. You have made a broken man better.”

The rotary group is looking for good causes to support whether through a fund-raising event, or a donation of money or time.

For details on this or any of events, check out the group’s Facebook page @WychMalbankRotary or contact [email protected]

One Comment

  1. Dan Dyer says:

    Was this a housing association house where all carpets are ripped up between tenants regardless they were recently fitted ? Disgraceful practice to let someone vulnerable put up with that
    Seems the public like to hate private landlords but we would never stoop so low as to let a house go without decent carpets

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