Ramblers Walks in Nantwich

Everybody Health and Leisure are organising free “Ramblers Wellbeing Walks” to mark National Walking Month.

And it will include the relaunch of weekend walks from Nantwich Leisure Centre starting this Sunday May 26.

Volunteers have been trained to provide weekly short walks in town centres and rural areas of Cheshire East.

The aim is to help local residents get out in the fresh air, increase physical activity levels and socialise in a safe environment.

Free short walks are accessible to all, particularly people who are looking to increase their activity levels and an ideal start for anyone new to exercise.

Walks organised by Everybody Health & Leisure, meeting points:

• Crewe Lifestyle Centre- Every Tuesday, 10.30am – 11.00am
• Barony Sports Complex, Nantwich- Every Wednesday, 1.00pm – 2.10pm
• Jacksons Brickworks Local Nature Reserve, Poynton- Wednesdays (Fortnightly) 10.00am – 11.15am

Donna Williamson, Senior Manager Health Innovation at Everybody Health and Leisure, said: “What better time to take up a new activity during National Walking Month.

“Whether you are looking for a new hobby, want to get more active or meet new friends, walking is the perfect activity to try.

“We are delighted to announce we will be relaunching our weekend walk at Nantwich Leisure Centre which will take place on Sundays, 11.00am – 12.15pm starting Sunday 26th May.

“Walking is a great way to improve your mood, help manage joint pain, helps you to lose and maintain weight as well as boosting your physical and mental wellbeing.

“We can’t wait to welcome you at our Ramblers Wellbeing Walks.”

Michael and Kathleen Povall, Health Walk Leaders, deliver walks from Crewe Lifestyle Centre and the Barony Sport Complex in Nantwich.

They will be relaunching the Sunday morning session from Nantwich Leisure Centre on May 26.

They said: “We became health walk leaders as a result of being programme participants and we wanted to volunteer, giving back the help and support that we received.

“We love meeting people and being out in the fresh air and it keeps us fit.

“Don’t be nervous about turning up for the walks we are a friendly bunch.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t walk far or fast there is always someone to walk with and talk with you along the way.”

People can turn up on the day, there’s no need to register.

For further information about Ramblers Wellbeing Walks visit: www.everybody.org.uk/what-we-offer/get-fit-and-healthy/ramblers-wellbeing-walks/ or contact the Everybody Healthy Team by emailing [email protected] or call 01270 685589.

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