Police say they are probing the deaths of two Riverside cygnets in Nantwich amid fears of foul play.
The baby swans are a popular sight along the river each year.
Now officers and the RSPCA are appealing for any witnesses who may have information on the deaths.
It’s believed an incident happened on Wednesday May 22 around 5:15pm when a dog off its lead was able to attack the two cygnets.
Animal rescue service Wildlife Helpers of Cheshire posted: “This is absolutely devastating and unacceptable, especially with the signage in place warning of the swans with their young.
“We now need to gather as much evidence as possible to help aid the police in any investigations.”
“We at The Wildlife Helpers and a close friend helping in this situation want to make it clear to the public that in no way do we have the belief that the dog involved is to blame, but instead this lies with the owner and justice needs to be given to these babies.
“This is a crime under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, it is also an offence to have a dog in a public place not under control.
“We would also like to thank our friend who selflessly went and checked on the swans and took the bodies to RSPCA Stapeley Grange for their help in confirming the bite wounds and also for kindly offering to keep the bodies secure and stored for the police.”
A Nantwich Police spokesperson said: “We have received a report that sadly the two Riverside cygnets at Nantwich have been found dead. We are working with the RSPCA to investigate the cause of death.
“We are asking for anyone who may have seen what happened or if anyone may have any ring door bell, phone or CCTV footage to contact us.”
Any witnesses should contact the police using the reference IML 1830360 via Cheshire Police website https://orlo.uk/xfjX5, 101 or via Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 100% anonymous.
Sunday 2nd June 5pm
2 big brown dogs off leads with 2 male walkers. 1 dog runs towards a smaller dog on a lead with female walker. Male shouts out to female walker with dog on lead no need to panic!
Another crazy situation witnessed
You never had this nonsense dogs off leads years ago, too many townies now living here expecting wildlife and farm animals are fun companions for their dogs to chase a true Dabber would be horrified at such feckless behaviour catch the person responsible and stick them in the stocks
Not seen a sign at or around the crime scene seeking witnesses, but continue to see plenty of dogs off leads at and around the crime scene!
5.30pm Fri 31st May, witnessed 2 female walkers together at crime scene, 1 had dog on lead 1 had dog off lead. The one with dog off lead was shout the dog to come back to her, seems crazy!
Having a dog under control does not equal on lead. I know of several dogs on leads having bit other dogs in town. If you aren’t comfortable with the level of training you have given your dog to not obey your commands then well done for using a lead. I recommend this. But we should not tar everyone with the same irresponsible brush.
Can none of you actually read? Or is this just a baying mob of Chinese whispers without any full representation of facts? The signs state that dogs on leads if asked by an officer. There are no laws that prevent dogs being walked off the lead. Furthermore – if a fox killed it then everyone seems happy to accept it is nature’s way, a dog does then we need to get our pitchforks out! Grow up and stop being so Daily Mailish. Bad things happen in life, accidentally. The other day an owner was killed by her 2 XLs. They were registered, neutered, insured and completely within the law. Who can we scream at to blame???
Did you manage to read in the above report, that It’s an offence to have a Dog in a public place not under control?
Hopefully more keep dogs on leads at all times signs plus Police surveillance should avoid the need for anyone feeling the need to have words.
“Police surveillance”?? You mean, hiding in the bushes, watching? 😮
No not hiding in bushes, too much of a risk of having Dogs cock their legs on our guardians.
Plain clothes Police excersizing their own Dogs, on leads of course!
well we will all be looking for the female with the white dog now, horrifying how really thick some people are, there are signs everywhere, I would be sick to the stomach if I was to let a dog off a lead, it can attack anything wildlife children the elderly My dog is only off the lead in the house, never ever outside how do people not realise this, this happens every year, some people wont be told or wont learn what is wrong with you?
Can’t wait to see you to ‘have a word’
Hope you’re not TheWM WoMan of interest to the Cheshire Police!
Could be anything, foxes mink however is if I spot dogs off lead I always have a word, never be afraid to speak to a feckless owner as they seem to forget little fur baby is not as innocent as it seems it is actually a wolf in baby clothes and instincts take over these owners have to learn
Apparently a witness came forward on the night of the incident saying a medium sized white dog off the lead with a female walker were responsible.