D-Day veteran Frank Tew, from Nantwich

Residents have launched a bid to have new roads in Nantwich named after three D-Day veterans from the town.

Local campaigners want veterans like Frank Tew, pictured, to be honoured and remembered with a permanent road naming.

Frank, who passed away in 2021, took part in the D-Day landings and the nation is commemorating the 80th anniversary of that Second World War-changing event this week.

Resident Paddy O’Leary said he applied to Cheshire East Council nearly two years ago for a new street to be named after Frank.

He first contacted them after residents placed a tree of remembrance on the grassed area opposite the Crescent garage two years ago.

But he said he received no response despite numerous calls and messages.

Since then, they have re-applied and included two other D-Day veterans from the town, Tom Hassall, who died earlier this year, and Denis Alcock, who died in 2022.

He said: “I’ve re-applied for all three recently and have had no recognition with regard to the same application other than a computer generated order number.

“Wouldn’t it be fantastic to have streets named after your local D-Day Armed Forces heroes?

“These were quality troops and men who helped give us the freedom we have today.”

Another resident paying tribute on Facebook added: “Those guys deserve a mention this week for sure.

“Out of any memorial for the town being mentioned these heroes are on the top of the list.”

Nantwich Town Cllr Arthur Moran and local members of the Royal British Legion has also campaigned.

D-Day veteran Thomas Hassall
D-Day veteran Tom Hassall

Cheshire East Council has now confirmed the names of three D-Day veterans are on file for new developments.

In an email from Cheshire East “address management” dept, it states: “The names have been kept on file for possible use for any new developments in Nantwich.

“Please note that in the first instance when a developer submits an application for new street names, the developer has the right to put forward their own street name suggestions.

“If these names adhere to our Policy we would then proceed to consultation with the local parish council and ward members.

“The parish council and ward members can then either agree or object to the names and can offer alternative name suggestions.

“If the developer does not have any suitable suggestions, we can then possibly use names that have been kept on file, if these names also adhere to our Policy.”

Meanwhile, there is a talk tonight (Weds June 5) on the life of Tom Hassall taking place at Willaston Historic Society, St Luke’s Church, on Coppice Road in Willaston from 7.30pm.

Tom, who died aged 98, took part in the D-Day landing at Gold Beach at the age of 19 with the Gloucestershire Regiment.

Towns and villages across Cheshire are joining in the commemorative events this week to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day landings – an event that changed the course of history.

Frank Tew’s son Paul and sister Yvonne Pownell with members of Nantwich RBL at completion of tree planting at garden
Frank Tew’s son Paul and sister Yvonne Pownell with members of Nantwich RBL at completion of tree planting in 2022

One Comment

  1. Paddy OLeary says:


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