Doddington - new homes plan

Plans have been submitted for 18 homes on land at Doddington Estate at Bridgemere, which is expected to see a total of 112 dwellings on site over future years, writes Belinda Ryan.

Outline permission for the scheme was granted at appeal in 2020 after Cheshire East Council refused the application.

A reserved matters application has now been submitted on behalf of Lady Rona Delves-Broughton for 18 homes to be built at Doddington Park Farm – the first of the 12 sites spread over the estate land.

The site is located to the north of Doddington Hall on the north east border of the estate.

It is bordered by the A51, London Road to the south west, and is surrounded by rural farmland.

A design and access statement submitted by Bowman Riley on behalf of the applicant states: “The proposed properties on the estate of Doddington aim to emulate the neoclassical architecture of Doddington Hall, infusing a subtle stately ambiance.

“The ambition is to create effective and pleasant places to live.

“We have allowed for large windows to bring in natural light to rooms and front and back glazing will allow for cross ventilation to buildings.

“Local materials will be sought where possible to minimise carbon emissions from transport and maintain a pleasing local character to the scheme.”

Hatherton and Walgherton Parish Council has objected to the proposal.

They said: “The neo-Georgian external design is totally out of character with the rural vernacular and current local housing stock.”

South West Cheshire Scouts have made representations saying they “vigorously objected” to the application years ago.

And while their objections still stand “we will have to accept the inevitable but we would wish to work with the developer to mitigate as far as possible our concerns”.

They are calling for security fencing to safeguard their young members at nearby Milldale camp site.

They also have concerns the new properties will overlook their site and want assurances no windows will overlook it.

The application, number 24/1297N, can be viewed on the planning portal on the Cheshire East Council website.

The last date for submitting comments is July 3 and, according to the council’s website, the application is due to considered by the southern planning committee on September 11.

(pic by Google Maps)

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