Baddiley Church - museum talks

Nantwich Museum is repeating talks about the village of Baddiley and its one-time resident Helen Macfarlane due to demand.

The talks will be repeated on Wednesday 31 July, 7pm-9pm, for those who were not able to attend them first time around.

‘Baddiley – an ancient parish’ – Graham Dodd

This talk explores the interesting history of the village from prehistoric times to the present.

The village church, St Michael’s, is one of only four timbered churches in Cheshire, whilst the local mere became the source of water for Nantwich in the 19th century.

‘Helen Macfarlane – revolutionary to vicar’s wife’ – Helen Cooke

This recounts the story of Helen Macfarlane’s life, travels, family and the events which led to her move to Baddiley in the mid-19th century.

A member of the Chartist Movement, Helen Macfarlane is best known as the first person to translate the Communist Manifesto from German into English.

All talks are bookable online via,revolutionary-of-baddiley-661f866fe4625

The cost for the two talks together is £7.50 (£6 museum members) and includes light refreshments.

Alternatively, call in to the museum between 10am – 4pm Tuesday – Saturday or phone (1270) 627104.

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