fish re-stocking river weaver

The first phase of re-stocking the River Weaver’s fish population in Nantwich has been completed.

Up to 4,000 fish have been released into the river to help restock after the major pollution incidents of 2023.

It is the first phase of a three-year project to help replenish surviving populations of coarse fish including chub, dace, and roach.

The stocking forms part of an annual programme funded by income from rod licence sales.

A total of 4,000 fish, including chub dace and roach, have been released at two key locations in including Mill Island Weir and downstream in “The Willows” area.

Two slurry pollution incidents in October 2023 led to the loss of thousands of fish.

Restocking is done where natural population numbers have been depleted or to create new fisheries and opportunities for anglers.

It occurs in winter because water temperatures are low and this minimises any stress on the fish, giving them the best possible survival rates.

Fish also play a critical role in sustaining a river’s finely-balanced eco-system, so the wider natural environment will also get a helping hand, as a result of the restocking.

James Grosscurth, Fisheries Officer for the Environment Agency in Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire, said: “Sometimes our native fish populations need a helping hand, particularly following pollution incidents.

“After careful and consistent monitoring, increased agricultural site inspections and enforcement and an enhanced officer presence upstream of Nantwich Lake, we were pleased to confirm that the water quality in the River Weaver can provide a healthy habitat for thousands of new recruits.

“This first restocking will form part of a three-year program, funded by rod licence income, to encourage natural recovery.

“Our thanks go to Nantwich Angling Society who have been working tirelessly, alongside our officers, to help make this happen.”

The re-stocking comes as Nantwich Angling Society welcomed the installation of seven new fishing “platforms” along the riverside.

All of the fish introduced to the Weaver have been reared at the Environment Agency’s National Coarse Fish Farm in Calverton, Nottinghamshire.

It’s easy to buy a rod fishing licence online. Get yours here:

Illegal fishing and other offences can be reported to the Environment Agency’s Incident Hotline on 0800 807060.

Weaver stocking - fish into river in Nantwich

One Comment

  1. Great news

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