Leighton Hospital bosses have managed a two-year period free from MRSA bacteraemia (bloodstream infections) cases.
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT) reached the landmark in February 2012.
Trust chiefs say reducing healthcare-associated infections is a result of on-going prevention and control measures and hard work.
The number of Clostridium difficile infections (Cdiff) has also dropped by 69% in the current financial year.
Karen Egan, asssociate director for infection prevention and control, said: “Over the past two years, a number of measures have been strengthened and new initiatives introduced, designed to ensure effective infection prevention.
“This has included increased targeted cleaning, the isolation of more patients with potential infections, a comprehensive audit and training programme and constant focus on hand hygiene and sterile procedures.”
Julie Smith, director of nursing and quality, added: “Infection prevention and control remains high on the trust’s agenda and we are committed to continually improving the care of our patients.
“However, infection rates will only continue to reduce if patients and visitors support our prevention measures.
“Effective hand hygiene is an essential part of the fight against infection, both in hospital and at home. By ensuring that visitors wash or gel their hands before and after each visit, infection spread is reduced significantly.”
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