South Cheshire NHS staff and volunteers attended an awards evening by Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT).
The event recognised achievements of individuals and teams across MCHFT, which runs Leighton Hospital.
Nearly 200 staff were nominated by colleagues across 12 categories recognising commitment, innovation and contributions to improving safety and quality of patient care.
Tracy Bullock, chief executive of MCHFT, said: “It is with enormous pride we recognise our staff and volunteers for the commitment, enthusiasm and dedication which they have shown over the past 12 months.
“2011 was a successful year for the Trust, and a number of great achievements occurred as a result of our staff going that extra mile every day of every week.”
Team of the Year was won by the Pharmacy department (pictured).
Commitment to Quality of Patient Care was won by ICU nurse Jeanette Hatton and Non-Medical Prescribing Divisional Leads.
Patient Service winner was Mandy Cartmill and the chefs. Clinical Innovation winner was Coral Hulse (nurse consultant). Service Innovation winner was Tom Jones (IT). Outstanding contribution to patient and organisational safety won by Pathology team.
Commitment to access, equality and diversity won by Danuta Matuszczak (Pharmacy technician). Hygiene standards won by Ann McEwan (Domestic). Partnership working won by Andy Worth and the learning disabilities awareness team.
Trust employee citizenship won by Philippa Pordes (privacy and dignity matron). Volunteer of the Year won by Nicola Cooper. Outstanding contribution to personal development won by Rachel Eccleston (education and training technician)
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