Police are hunting two men believed to have stolen these Labrador dogs from outside a shop in Nantwich.
Devastated owners Charlotte and Dale Robson have posted an appeal all over town and social media in a bid to get Denzel and Welly back.
The two black Labradors were tethered outside Marks and Spencer on Market Street last night when they were taken at around 6pm-6.10pm.
Later, CCTV footage from Market Street and other reports capture two men running away from the town centre.
Social media reports suggest they were last seen heading towards Queens Drive.
Residents have rallied around to help in the search, with more CCTV footage being examined by police and drone photographers offering to join an aerial search.
The dogs were wearing a blue collar and a grey/ silver collar when they were taken.
The owners have offered to pay a REWARD to have them home.
“They are the nicest, friendliest dogs. They are our family,” they said.
They have pleaded with those who have taken them to return them “no questions asked”.
“They are both castrated and will not be able to be used as breeding dogs,” said Dale.
“They are family dogs and belong here with their family.
“We are devastated and we have two daughters that are going to be heartbroken.
“We just want them back. Please call 07710304070 no questions will be asked we just want them back.
“No questions will be asked if they are dropped off safe, we just want them home.
“Denzel will be barking if he is somewhere he doesn’t want to be. Welly will be shaking scared.
“Please keep an ear out for excessive barking as well as an eye out for them.”
Footage of the dog theft in Nantwich at 18:07 today.
Please share to get these loved family pets home@nantwichnews @nantwichfoodies pic.twitter.com/UdcLispOgr
— Nantwich Town FC (@TheDabbers) March 27, 2021
PC Matt Stonier, of Nantwich Police, said: “At 18:12hrs on Saturday 27th March, Cheshire police were contacted by staff from Marks and Spencer’s, Beam Street , Nantwich reporting that 2 dogs had been stolen from outside the store.
“Officers immediately commenced an extensive search of the area as well as checking the town’s extensive CCTV network.
“These enquiries are continuing and we thank the public’s support after many have contacted with information and shared various appeals online.
“If anyone has any further information please contact us via 101 quoting reference – 21000195850.
“Targeting dog thefts is a Cheshire Police priority and we are doing all we can to reduce offences and highlight the rising reports nationally.”
(Images courtesy of owners social media pages)
I can tell you this much, if I see these 2 jokers around Nantwich I won’t hesitate to grab hold of at least one of them and make as much noise as possible. This is absolutely disgraceful. I hope they are returned safely to their owners without the need for a reward.
Thank you for this media coverage. It is much appreciated.
Fingers crossed they will be home very soon!
We have posted the appeal and video in Grimsby.