A book of photographs chronicling more than a century of life in Nantwich is to be launched at the town’s museum.
Nantwich is the subject of the latest Britain in Old Photographs series of books, published by The History Press.
It is the work of local author Andrew Lamberton and Anne Wheeler, a former curator at the Pillory Street museum.
They have donated their fees for the book to the museum while sales through the museum shop will also benefit.
The book, drawing exclusively on the museum’s image collection, offers an insight into life in the town over more than 140 years.
Each picture is supported by an informative caption, and many are quite rare while stories behind them are fascinating.
Readers will glimpse what life was like in times gone by.
A spokesman for the museum said: “There is something of interest to everyone as the book considers 14 different aspects of life in the town including the town centre, shops, industry, sport and leisure, events, transport and personalities.
“The diversity of the town’s architecture is explored while stories of some of its inhabitants paint a fascinating picture.”
The book will be launched at Nantwich Museum at 10.30am on Saturday November 10. After the launch the authors will sign copies of the book until 1pm.
Contact the museum on [email protected], call 01270 627104, visit www.nantwichmuseum.org.uk
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